Using LED Lights for Portrait Photography

When it comes to photography, I believe light is a secret and wisdom at the same time. Recently, I have tried new creative photography techniques using LED lights to photoshoot some interesting portraits. In particular, I used a ring LED light and rectangular-shaped LED light – pay attention to eyes, so you can see which light was used. 

Advantages of LED lights: 

  • LED lights to remain cool, so I can use colour filters and gels
  • an impact of light is visible in a real-time
  • ISO 1600 without problems
  • colour temperature from 3200K to 5500K
  • the lifetime of 50 000 hours
  • compactness and financially affordable

There are surely some disadvantages, to illustrate, the power of LED lights is often a debatable topic. However, I think that this technology has been developing in the right direction, so we already enjoy the benefits of LED lights. As I am a professional photographer, I can tell you that I like the portraits I took by using LED lights. 

Olga Plojhar Bursíková – web / Instagram